RYA Powerboat Training

The Club plans to run a number of weekend and weekday courses over spring and summer to qualify for the RYA Powerboat Handling Level 2 certificate (PB2).

Two full days of tuition both on and off the water

These courses are run by Colin Bower our Chief Powerboat Instructor and Powerboat Instructor Paul Jewell, both members of the Club, using the Club safety launches, Delta, Zulu and Bravo.

The PB2 course needs a minimum of 3 candidates ( with 1 instructor), and can accommodate up to 6 (with 2 instructors).

Costs for these courses will be £250 for members and £336 plus VAT for non-members. These prices include all RYA course materials.

2025 Course Dates are being finalised.

If you are interested please contact Suzanne via [email protected]

RYA Powerboat Handling Level 2

This two-day entry level course provides the skills and background knowledge needed to drive a powerboat and is the basis of the International Certificate of Competence (ICC).
It focuses on low speed close quarters handling,high speed handling, man overboard recovery, an introduction to driving at planing speed and collision regulations. The course is taken on the River Dart and out in the bay so is classed as a coastal certificate.

Course Requirements and Outcomes

Assumed KnowledgeNone. May be preceded by Level 1 Start Power boating
Minimum Duration2 Days
Minimum Age12
Course ContentLaunching and recovery, boat handling, securing to a buoy, anchoring, leaving and coming alongside, man overboard. High speed handling.
Ability after the CourseSelf-sufficient powerboater in the right conditions, aware of own limitations and those of craft
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