Saturday Junior Programme

Every Saturday morning for 12 weeks, our highly trained team of RYA qualified instructors and volunteers teach youngsters aged 9 – 16 to sail on the River Dart in a safe environment that allows them to have fun, learn and challenge themselves.

Develop lifelong skills and a love of boats and the water

The RYA Youth Sailing scheme is completed in small dinghies suitable for the size of the sailor. Beginners start in the larger Quest dinghies with one of the young Assistant Instructors at the helm, to give encouragement and build confidence until ready to to move into one of the single handed dinghies.

The Club runs the RYA training scheme for youngsters aged 9 – 16 with Level 1 introducing the basics of sailing and safety on the water, through to Level 4. This culminates in the child becoming competent on the water, then having the chance to qualify as an Assistant Instructor and help as a volunteer on Saturday mornings.

Before the course gets underway the Club run a number of ‘ready the boat’ sessions as well as a Taster morning for new sailors, designed primarily to whet appetites for sailing and to allow our Instructors to assess abilities and ensure new sailors are placed in the correct training group.

Parents are encouraged to come along to these sessions. Junior Sailing at the RDYC is a great place to meet new friends (for the parents too) and as history has proved, lifelong friendships are made. Parents and carers are encouraged to get involved as the whole programme is run by Club volunteers. Whether volunteering on the water, the pontoon or on dry land, help is always welcome and there are always people on hand to show you the ropes.

The RYA Programme in detail

Stage 1
An introduction to the parts of the boat and the basic principles of how to get a boat sailing.
Stage 2
Develop the sailing skills needed to sail around a course tacking, gybing and controlling boat speed.
Stage 3
Build your confidence and develop the skills needed to sail in different directions in moderate conditions.
Stage 4
Learn how to sail a double-handed boat as crew or helm and solve a variety of problems afloat.

After all stages are completed, younsters are offered the opportunity to train as an Assistant Instructor (AI) and can then come back year after year to help with junior sailing activities at the Club.

Key programme dates 2025

Ready the Boats: Saturday 5 & 12 April

Saturday 26th April: Taster morning 10.00 – 13.00

Saturday 3th May – Saturday 19th July: 12 week course (details above). NB Saturday May 24 will be replaced with a session on Sunday May 25.

Mini racing Points Series

The Points Series follows on from Saturday Junior Sailing, with fun races run on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, providing juniors with a chance to put into practice some of their new-found skills and compete with their peers.

The season finale is the Falling Leaves mini regatta on September 6. Entry to both these events is included in the cost of the Saturday course.

Cost and how to apply

The course cost is £190 for members – second and subsequent siblings pay 50% of the fee.

If extra places are available, non-members are welcome and pay £275.

An applicatuon link will be posted here from early February.

We hope that everyone who applies will get a place but please note that by submitting an application, this does not guarantee the place. This can only be done once we have all the applications and can allocate by group and the number of dinghies/instructors will finally dictate who gets a place in each group.

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